As a polytheistic religious organization, there are many deities that we work with! This page is designed to introduce to some of the major deities we work with as a community.
Our Protogrove Patron: Urðr
Urðr is our Protogrove patroness. She is one of the Nornir who are the Old Norse goddesses of fate. She is often paired with the Nornir goddesses Verðandi and Skuld. Urðr offered us her help and aid, and so she became our patroness as of Yule 2023. She is a godddess who oversees the carving and weaving of fate. Her wisdom and insight is valued by gods and humans alike. We thank and praise her as our Protogrove's guide and guardian.
There are many other deities that are important to members of our Protogrove. Here are some major ones:
Freyr: Old Norse Vanir god of peace, plenty, leadership, and goodness.
Freyja: Old Norse Vanir goddess of magic, beauty, desire, and war.
Loki: Old Norse Aesir god who is the trickster and fate agent. Also possibly a god of the ritual fire.
Njörðr: Old Norse Vanir god of trade, wealth, travel, and fishing. He is often our gatekeeper.
Nerþus: Old Norse Vanir goddess of fertility, earth, water, and abundance. She is often our earth mother.
Bragi: Old Norse Aesir god of bards and eloquence. We often evoke him for inspiration.
Hekate: Hellenic goddess of magic, the crossroads, light, new moon, witchcraft, and the liminal.
Baba Yaga: Slavic witch-goddess of fate, magic, tranisition, and becoming.
Marzanna: Slavic goddess of death, disease, winter, wolves, and fertility.
Jarilo: Slavic god of fertility, war, fecundity, and prosperity.