Chants and Songs
Hemlock Vales Song
Lyrics: C. Oleg Wildridge
Tune: Mo Ghile Mear
Oh Hemlock Vales we call to ye
Hemlock Vales we come to thee
In honor and health may we be
and worship the great Kindreds Three
Old Ways we strive to find
And never leave this path behind
For Druid’s cause we light the fire
And give fine words to this desire
Oh Hemlock Vales we call to ye
Hemlock Vales we come to thee
In honor and health may we be
and worship the great Kindreds Three
Here we at the sacred center
Bid the folk to kindly enter
To raise our voices ever higher
And keep on tending the good fire
Oh Hemlock Vales we call to ye
Hemlock Vales we come to thee
In honor and health may we be
and worship the great Kindreds Three
So be here now and in this place
Share your joy from face to face
Join us at this Pagan rite
And let us make the blessings bright
Oh Hemlock Vales we call to ye
Hemlock Vales we come to thee
In honor and health may we be
and worship the great Kindreds Three
And worship the great Kindreds Three…
We Approach the Sacred Grove Processional
Lyrics: Sean Miller
Tune: Old English Plainsong
We approach the sacred grove
With hearts and minds and flesh and bone
Join us now in ways of Old
We have come home
Come We Now as a People Processional
Music and Lyrics: Ian Corrigan
Come we now as a people
To gather at the sacred well.
Come we now as a people
To gather in the warmth and the light of the flame.
The Vardlokkur (Ancestor Song)
From the 13th Warrior by William Wisher, Jr. and Warren Lewis based on Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton
Modified by Collin Wildridge
Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother,
and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning!
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place amongst them,
In the halls of Helheim!
Where we may live forever!
Prayer of Preperation
By Collin Wildridge
(3 deep breathes) I sit in the Middle realm at the cross-roads of all worlds.
(Gesture to each of the 3 gates) Here be the Well of Wisdom, Here be the Great World Tree, Here be the Holy Fire.
I recognize the 3 realms: The Upper (palms upward), The Middle (palms forward), and the Lower (palms downward) and the binding power of Wyrd (arms crossed).
Thus I engage with all that is sacred (hands Orans).”
Walk with Wisdom Recessional
Music and Lyrics: Sable
Walk with wisdom from this hallowed place.
Walk not in sorrow, our roots shall e’re embrace.
May strength be your brother, and honor be your friend, And luck be your lover until we meet again.
Portal Song
Music and Lyrics: Ian Corrigan
Come we now to the well
The eye and the mouth of earth
Come we now to the well
And silver we bring
Come we now to the well
The waters of rebirth
Come we now to the well
Together we sing
By fire and by water between the earth and sky
We stand like the world tree ,
Rooted deep, crowned high
By fire and by water between the earth and sky
We stand like the world tree ,
Rooted deep, crowned high
We will kindle a fire
Bless, all and with harm to none
We will kindle a fire
And offering pour
We will kindle a fire
A light neath the moon and sun
We will kindle a fire
Our spirits will soar
Gather we at the tree
The root and the crown of all
Gather we at the tree
Below and above
Gather we at the tree
Together we make our call
Gather we at the tree
In wisdom and love